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Hello and wellcome! I live in Canada and moved to Yellowknife about a year and a half ago. When I relized I couldn't find the types of earrings I wanted either at all or at a decent price I thought why not make my own, this quickly led to me deciding to make earrings so others could find earrings that fit their style. On my site you will be able to see my collection, contact me, and order earrings through me. Not everything on here is avalible but we can work together to find the earring that you want and if I have it then I can send it to you or if I dont and I have the supplies then I can make a pair. Some like the feathers are harder for me to get up north and it takes a while for them to come in if i order them so please bare with me. If you have any questions feel free to contact me. 

Earrings for everyones style

My Story

As I was searching local stores and online shops for the perfect pair of earrings it came to me. Make my own earrings. I started with just a how to kit from Walmart and talking to people I knew who were making jewellery around town. Making earrings soon became an obbsetion. 

My Vision

My vision is to give people the opperotunity to find that perfect pair of earrings for any occasion. 

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